Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Turning 22 abroad.. in Argentina!

Checked celebrating a birthday in a different country off the bucket
list! Sorry for the delay, but Argentina was a blast! It felt good to
just relax after non-stop activities in Cape Town. Had lots of good wine
and steak and explored the city! We ended up hanging out quite a bit
with this kid Scott that is studying abroad in Argentina and knew Brian
from Bentley. It's so helpful having someone who knows the city to show
you around. I really liked the part of the city called Recoletta.
There's a really famous cemetary with gigantic gravestones and we spent
an entire afternoon at this adorable cafe there. The cheesecake in the
picture was the best thing I've ever had! About thirty of us stayed in
this giant house on the third night and had a blast! That's me and some
of my girlfriends from Oregon. Hope you enjoy the pictures... I'll post
a bunch from Brazil after we leave. Big news-- we're stopping the
Bahamas as a surprise before we get to Florida!! I can't wait! See you
all in less than a month :)


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