Saturday, November 30, 2013

Thanksgiving at Sea!

Hope you all had a good Thanksgiving at home! It was a little sad not
being home for it, but I got some pictures from Lindsey, Kate and Mom :)
Here's a picture of me and the crew that ate the mediocre ship dinner
together LOL. Also, this semester I've been working with the Community
Service group on some projects. The biggest one is the Oxfam America
Hunger Banquet that they have every semester. It's a national
organization so you can look it up online, but it's all about promoting
awareness about hunger, poverty and wealth disparity in the world. We
had almost 300 people from the ship community come, and it went really
well. Everyone gets randomly put into either low, medium or high class
and their experience/ meal varies. We give an entire presentation and
show a slide show throughout. It was really cool.

Counting down the days... kind've ;)


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